Nuclear fusion breakthrough: what do new results mean for the future of ā€˜infiniteā€™ energy?

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has announced a major breakthrough in nuclear fusion, using powerful lasers to produce 1.3 megajoules of energy ā€“ about 3% of the energy contained in 1kg of crude oil. Nuclear fusion has long been thought of as the energy of the future ā€“ an ā€œinfiniteā€ source of power that does not rely on the need to burn carbon. But after decades of research, it has yet to deliver on its exciting promise. How much closer does this new breakthrough bring us to the desired results? THE CONVERSATION

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The zero-power sewage plant inspired by cows

Untreated sewage leads to poor sanitation and disease around the world. Its effects are felt strongly in India, and Bangalore resident Tharun Kumar turned to cows for a solution. With help from the Biomimicry Institute, he has designed and built 50 sustainable sewage plants that work in a similar way to a cowā€™s stomach. The system has no moving parts, so doesn't require any power or people to operate it. BBC NEWS

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