A pioneering Welsh housing initiative for a life in ecological balance
In Wales, the average citizen uses almost three times their share of the world's resources. Aiming to address this imbalance, a groundbreaking scheme launched by the government in 2011 allows people to bypass tight planning laws to pivot to an ecologically sustainable lifestyle. Words by Oliver Gordon.
Solar power stations in space could be the answer to our energy needs
Scientists are making huge strides in turning the concept into reality. The European Space Agency has realised the potential of these efforts and is now looking to fund space-based solar projects, predicting that the first industrial resource we will get from space is “beamed power”. Words by Amanda Jane Hughes and Stefania Soldini, lecturers in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Liverpool.
Collective Reincorporation: The FARC’s fading dream
Following a 52-year insurgency, Colombia’s ‘Reincorporation Spaces’ were designed to allow the FARC guerrillas to demobilise while maintaining political, social and commercial autonomy. If they work, the concept could birth a template for peace to satisfy dissident political movements the world over. But all is far from well in Marxist paradise. Words and images by Oliver Gordon.
Photo essay: Colombia’s flying doctors
Half the global population has no access to essential health services. Funded through corporate partnerships, the apolitical approach of Colombia’s Civil Air Patrol (PAC) may provide a template for other countries where healthcare access is blighted by difficult geography or regional conflict. Words and images by Oliver Gordon.