Then & now: Portugal's drug decriminalisation

Back in 1999, Portugal experienced 369 overdose deaths and in 2016, the number was just 30. The number of new HIV diagnoses due to injecting has plummeted from 907 in 2000 to 18 in 2017. The new laws have also had an impact on incarceration with the number of people behind bars for drug offences falling from 3,863 in 1999 to 1,140 in 2017. STATISTA

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Creator of the web reveals plan to stop internet turning 'digital dystopia'

Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the world wide web, has launched a plan to stop the world falling into a "digital dystopia". Sir Tim unveiled a set of standards that good internet companies should abide by, in the hope of preserving the promise of the internet and stopping it being misused. THE INDEPENDENT

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The Nobel Prize in economics goes to 3 groundbreaking anti-poverty researchers

The three researchers work on global poverty, studying interventions in a range of areas: combating teacher absenteeism, direct cash transfers to the extreme poor, policing drunk driving, and studying the effects of access to textbooks on students, among others. They’ve also made extraordinary contributions to developing the methods used to study these subjects, with a focus on randomized controlled trials (RCTs). VOX

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Democracy, but not as we know it

With faith in politics at an all-time low and thorny and divisive issues aplenty in these volatile and politically corrosive times, is it time to reinvent the way we interpret democratic ideals? Sortition Foundation’s co-founder Brett Hennig believes that the practice of ‘sortition’ – once favoured by the ancient Greeks – could revive the legitimacy of government. ATLAS OF THE FUTURE

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