The €30m hospital built by 300,000 people

Romanians frustrated at country’s insufficient healthcare have taken a DIY approach to fixing the problem. Since 2015, more than 300,000 people and over 4,000 companies have donated money to construct the facility, which will treat children with cancer and will be the first state hospital built entirely through private donations. THE GUARDIAN

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Thousands of people are growing 'climate victory gardens' to save the planet

Community Ecology Institute, a nonprofit that seeks to reunite people with nature, one of over 2,000 organizations and individuals across the country growing food in climate victory gardens ― be it on a balcony or in a backyard, a community garden or larger urban farm project ― in a bid to mitigate the climate crisis. HUFFPOST

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As wildfires worsen, Californians harness tech for help

To better protect themselves from wildfires worsened by climate change, communities are pulling together to share information. Typically, the COPE network might collect and share information such as where doctors live, where a resident might be house-bound or where swimming pools are located that could be used in fighting a fire. PLACE

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TraumaLink’s first responders offer community-based solution to road traffic accidents

The chaos of Dhaka's roads inspired Jon Moussally, a physician in Massachusetts and instructor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, to cofound a volunteer-based emergency response system aimed at reducing death from road traffic injuries (RTIs). STANFORD SOCIAL INNOVATION REVIEW

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Public living rooms for radical friendship

With epidemic levels of loneliness and the breakdown of supportive communities in society, what can we do we take on the enormous challenge of ensuring everyone is listened to and cared about? A growing social movement called Camerados has a simple, but powerful approach that means that people from Baltimore to Blackpool are coming together to get through tough times by looking out for each other. ATLAS OF THE FUTURE

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Cities copy Cleveland's prosperity model

Something important is happening in Cleveland: one of America’s poorest cities has a radical plan to remake itself. Taking into account that opportunity for ownership and participation is a powerful tool for change, the model recognises the unique role cooperatives can play in the creation of community wealth. ATLAS OF THE FUTURE

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