South Korea’s success-obsessed culture is finally reckoning with its dark side

The idea of embracing failure is gaining traction in a country that’s starting to take stock of the effects on a population conditioned to live under immense pressure to succeed, starting from childhood. The pressure can come in many forms, including economic, academic, familial, and cosmetic. QUARTZ

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The need for critical social mindfulness in schools

No doubt many school children do undergo a troublesome and precarious existence, and some can and do benefit from mindfulness to get them through their days. However, adjusting students to their personal pain while leaving its social, economic and political sources untouched is unlikely to promote their long-term wellbeing, still less fulfill the potential of mindfulness in transforming education for the better. TRANSFORMATION

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Public living rooms for radical friendship

With epidemic levels of loneliness and the breakdown of supportive communities in society, what can we do we take on the enormous challenge of ensuring everyone is listened to and cared about? A growing social movement called Camerados has a simple, but powerful approach that means that people from Baltimore to Blackpool are coming together to get through tough times by looking out for each other. ATLAS OF THE FUTURE

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