'Immunity passports' could speed up return to work after Covid-19 →
German researchers studying how lockdown restrictions could be lifted for some people. THE GUARDIAN
Read MoreGerman researchers studying how lockdown restrictions could be lifted for some people. THE GUARDIAN
Read MorePeople who have been infected by the coronavirus and have recovered could provide invaluable antibodies for covid-19 patients and return to work. THE GUARDIAN
Read MoreCompanies are finally investing in the remote work technology that they didn’t think they needed before. FAST COMPANY
Read MoreIn 2015, the boss of a card payments company in Seattle introduced a $70,000 minimum salary for all of his 120 staff - and personally took a pay cut of $1m. Five years later he's still on the minimum salary, and says the gamble has paid off. BBC NEWS
Read MoreA wave of writers and researchers are redefining how we view useful work. These writers are reminding us that an obsession with productivity can be counterproductive. And they’re suggesting we rethink the concept of productivity altogether. THE WASHINGTON POST
Read MoreWorking parents who lose a child will be entitled two weeks’ statutory leave, under new measures announced by the government. Ministers estimate the new legal right – also called “Jack’s Law” – will support 10,000 families every year in the UK and claims it is now the longest paid bereavement leave worldwide. THE INDEPENDENT
Read MoreThe most dramatic negative effect of metric fixation is its propensity to incentivise gaming: that is, encouraging professionals to maximise the metrics in ways that are at odds with the larger purpose of the organisation. AEON
Read MorePeople tend to feel gloomier when the nights draw in and cold weather descends. But altering our working hours to fit the seasons could help lift our mood. WIRED
Read MoreHiring disabled employees is good for business. Here’s how you can start recruiting more disabled employees into your workforce. FAST COMPANY
Read MoreJust before James McMaster became the chief executive of health food company Huel, he met a distraught job applicant. Her last employers had treated her as though she didn't exist. This inspired him to start a new strategy for his, and he encourages them to "bring yourselves to work". He says that allowing employees to show their personalities in their jobs helps drive up sales and leads to a happier workforce. BBC NEWS
Read MoreThe US government says sleeping in the office is a no-no. But experts say it's time they reconsider, writes Jonathan Berr. BBC NEWS
Read MoreMicrosoft tested out a four-day work week in its Japan offices and found as a result employees were not only happier – but significantly more productive. THE GUARDIAN
Read MoreCity traders have called for a shorter working day in a bid to attract more women and working parents into a profession with a reputation for long hours and a male-dominated culture. THE INDEPENDENT
Read MoreTo protect workers from discrimination, the trans women of Mirror Beauty Cooperative are building a business without bosses. THE HUFFINGTON POST
Read MoreThis summer, two design studios—one in Vilnius, Lithuania, and one in Florence, Italy—swapped offices to find inspiration in a new environment. FAST COMPANY
Read MoreMore than 70 million Americans hold low-wage, precarious service jobs. We must make these jobs a pathway to the middle class. CITY LAB
Read MoreBritain is training record numbers of workplace “mental health first aiders” to confront a sharp rise in people expressing mental distress, though evidence of success is mixed, according to a Guardian study. THE GUARDIAN
Read MoreAs New Zealand lawmakers vigorously debated fuel prices in parliament this week, speaker Trevor Mallard called for order while feeding baby Tūtānekai his bottle. REUTERS
Read MoreWith the job market hotter than ever, employers are looking for the best employee benefits to offer potential employees. It’s not enough to have great medical or dental insurance: high quality candidates are looking for employers that take it to the next level. One of the newest employee benefits gaining popularity in corporate America is VTO (Volunteer Time Off). G2
Read MoreFinding affordable childcare is a struggle for many working parents — so an arrangement that comes with nutritious sit-down meals, a ban on screen time and regular book clubs might seem like a pipe dream. Yet this is what the founder of Teach First is planning to provide with a pioneering new app. THE TIMES
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