‘Jack’s Law’: UK working parents who lose child to be given two weeks’ paid bereavement leave

Working parents who lose a child will be entitled two weeks’ statutory leave, under new measures announced by the government. Ministers estimate the new legal right – also called “Jack’s Law” – will support 10,000 families every year in the UK and claims it is now the longest paid bereavement leave worldwide. THE INDEPENDENT

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'Bring your true personality to your work'

Just before James McMaster became the chief executive of health food company Huel, he met a distraught job applicant. Her last employers had treated her as though she didn't exist. This inspired him to start a new strategy for his, and he encourages them to "bring yourselves to work". He says that allowing employees to show their personalities in their jobs helps drive up sales and leads to a happier workforce. BBC NEWS

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Here’s why VTO is the next big thing in employee benefits

With the job market hotter than ever, employers are looking for the best employee benefits to offer potential employees. It’s not enough to have great medical or dental insurance: high quality candidates are looking for employers that take it to the next level. One of the newest employee benefits gaining popularity in corporate America is VTO (Volunteer Time Off). G2

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